One of the many “selfies” from the 360-camera rig system taken during the production of the A Road Through the Wild.

One of the many “selfies” from the 360-camera rig system taken during the production of the A Road Through the Wild.

Liz Wilk

Liz Wilk is a documentary filmmaker based in Silver Spring, MD. With interests in history, archaeology, science communication and film, Liz decided to pursue her MFA in Science & Natural History Filmmaking at Montana State University in Bozeman. Since beginning her degree in filmmaking, Liz took part in many opportunities ranging from working on a feature length film, to creating content as an intern for NASA and the Hubble Space Telescope.

With the release of A Road Through the Wild, Liz completed her MFA and is currently working as a video producer at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. While not creating videos to promote citizen science, Liz keeps herself by continuing to explore immersive media.

To find out more about Liz and her film experience, visit